It moved me in ways that were so subtle, my emotions kind of creeped up on me. There were elements that were heart breaking, tension filled, romantic, realistic and surreal. The acting was superb. Jeff Bridges settled into his roll like it was a worn out, comfortable old couch he has sat on for years. Its like Jeff Bridges IS "The Dude," in real life, and this is what would have happened to him if he had decided to go a different route in life. I think Jeff Bridges was excellent in the moments of "non-acting": holding a glance just a little too long, or standing at the door contemplating his next move; even the way he holds his guitar and lovingly picks at it in a drunken stupor... He never breaks character.

Its mesmorizing. Listen to him sing, it reminds me of a whistful and wise Willy Nelson/Hank Williams/Alan Jackson. I am not a fan of today's country, and I was never a fan of country music as a child/teen, but I have grown to appreciate the authenticity of the sadness, the longing, the regret that is in many an old country song. The

Crazy Heart is an absolute delight to enjoy with family, friends, your signifigant other, or just by yourself in those quiet moments in life. Don't go in comparing it to any other film (IE: Walk the Line, The Big Lebowski) just enjoy it for what it is. I give this movie four stars instead of five only because I have very high standards for a five star movie, and even though I loved this movie, it didn't quite reach the level of perfection I deem worthy of five stars. In order for it to recieve that type of accolade, it would have to touch my soul or engage me to the point where I could not leave my seat at the theatre.

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